I have been spending most of my time on exploring alternatives to the conversational agent paradigm as an interaction with AI models. For image generation AI models, this has been towards exploring alternatives to the prompting paradigm, and playing with embedding image generation models into different embodiments.
- July 2024: I had the chance to present the GenFrame at the ACM Designing Interactive Systems 2024 conference! In my pictorial paper, I unpack the design and development process that needs to go into embedding image generation models into interactive artifacts. I also exhibited the work in the Playful Experiences exhibition, which gave a delightful occasion to let more people experience it.
- June 2024: I presented a field study about the GenFrame at the Design Research Society 2024conference in Boston! The presentation focused on a field study I conducted at the Danish National Gallery, where I interviewed people that played with the GenFrame. Being at such a traditional art venue, the GenFrame was teasing out interesting insights into the perceptions of AI-generated art, and made people reflect what aspects they miss from an artpiece when they know that it is generated.